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Yao Yuan


Current Research Focus

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)

HCI in Architecture and Smart-Space Design

Design Research

Current Position

Assistant Professor

School of Architecture and Design

Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing


Sep. 2011 – Jul. 2015

B.A. New Media Art, Beijing Jiaotong University

Sep. 2015 – Jul. 2018

M.A. Interdisciplinary Program of Art & Science, Tsinghua University

Sep. 2018 – Present

PhD Candidate. Information Art & Design, Tsinghua University

Projects & Publications

Human-Environment Interaction, 2018-2022

Research on Public User Behavior analysis with Alibaba​

Computational Aesthetics, 2018-2019

Research on Computational Aesthetics with HUAWEI​

Shybo, 2017

Research on edutainment robot – “Shybo”​ 

Yuan Yao, Li Huang, Yi He, Zhijun Ma, Xuhai Xu, and Haipeng Mi. 2023. Reviewing and Reflecting on Smart Home Research from the Human-Centered Perspective[C]//Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2023: 1-21.

Yuan Yao, Junai Ca, Kexin Du, Yuxuan Hou, and Haipeng Mi. Establishing Design Consensus toward Next-Generation Retail: Data-Enabled Design Exploration and Participatory Analysis[C]//Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2022: 1-22.

Yuan Yao, Haiepng Mi. A Design Experience for Interactive Narrative Based on The User Behavior[C]//Cumulus Conference Proceedings Roma 2021 Design Culture(s). 2021, 2: 2606-2618.(ISBN 978-952-64-9004-5)

Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 2020, Journal paper

Yuan Yao, Junai Cai, Ziyan Xiao, Wenbo Yang and Haiepng Mi. A Behavior Driven Method for Dynamic Visual Information Design[J]. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 2020

CHI 2020, Extended Abstracts

Yuan Yao, Weiwei Zhang, Soojeong Yoo, Callum Parker, Jihong Jeung. Exploring the Use of Drones for Taking Accessible Selfies with Elderly. In Proceedings of Interdisciplinary Workshop on Human-Drone Interaction (iHDI 2020) CHI ’20 Extended Abstracts.

HCII 2019, Paper

Yuan Yao, Chao Wang, Minghao He, Chuyi Yan, Robert Elder, Chen Zhao, and Haipeng Mi. Big Screen Is Watching Me?: A study on the attractiveness and reading efficiency of a rotating screen. In Proceedings of Human-Computer Interaction International (HCII 2019).

Yuan Yao, Haiepng Mi. HCI Research at The Future Lab of Tsinghua University. [C]//Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Workshop: HCI in China: Research Agenda, Education Curriculum, Industry Partnership, and Communities Building.

Maria Luce Lupetti, Yuan Yao, Jing Gao, Haipeng Mi, Claudio Germak. Design for Learning Through Play. An Exploratory Study on Chinese Perspective. International Conference on Cross-Cultural Design[C]//International Conference on Cross-Cultural Design. Springer, Cham, 2017: 565-581.

Maria Luce Lupetti, Jing Gao, Yuan Yao, and Haipeng Mi. A scenario- driven design method for Chinese children edutainment[C]//Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium of Chinese CHI. 2017: 22-29.

Maria Luce Lupetti, Haipeng Mi, Claudio Germak, Yuan Yao. Design for Children's Playful Learning with Robots[J]. Future Internet, 2017, 9(3): 52.

Yao Yuan

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