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  • [Chaper] Haipeng Mi, Yuan Yao, Zhihao Yao, Qirui Sun, Hanxuan Li, Mingyue Gao, Beituo Liu and Yao Lu. AI-Enabled Robotic Theatres for Chinese Folk Art. Artificial Intelligence for Art Creation and Understanding. CRC Press. 30-54. ISBN: 978-1-032-52361-3.

  • [Textbook] 米海鹏. 交互原型技术. 清华大学出版社. 166页. ISBN: 978-7-302-66698-1.

  • [Translated Book] [美] Jason Jerald 著. 米海鹏主审. 刘冠宏等译. 虚拟现实宝典: 以人为本的VR设计. 电子工业出版社. 396页. ISBN: 978-7-121-47554-2

  • [Book] Haipeng Mi. Actuated Tangible User Interface: An Extensible Method for Tabletop Interaction. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. 188 pages. ISBN: 978-3-659-29471-6 

Journal Papers

  • Liu, G., Yu, T., Yao, Z., Xu, H., Zhang, Y., Xu, X., Xu, X., Gao, M., Sun, Q., Zhang, T. Mi, H.: ViviPaint: Creating Dynamic Painting with a Thermochromic Toolkit. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction. vol. 6, Issue 8, pp 63. 2022.

  • Yao, Y., Cai, J., Xiao, Z., Yang, W., Mi, H.: A Behavior Driven Method for Dynamic Visual Information Design[J].Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics,2020,32(07):1121-1128. (in Chinese)

  • Peng, Y., Wang, N., Diao, Y., Mi, H.: A swarm robot platform for intelligent interaction. Virtual Reality and Intelligent Hardware. 2020

  • Lupetti, M. L., Norese, M. F., Wu. X., Mi, H.: A video-based assessment of likeability and usability in a play application of robots for children. Measuring Business Excellence. 2019.

  • Tu, S., Mi, H., Xian, F.: 66m Under. Leonardo, 52 (2), 181-181, MIT Press.

  • Wang, M., Mi, H.: Tangible Tetris. Leonardo, 52 (2), 182-183, MIT Press.

  • Mi, H., Wang, M., Lu, Q., Xu, YQ. Tangible User Interface: Origins, Development and Future Trends. SCIENTIA SINICA Informationis, 48(4), pp. 390-405. (in Chinese)

  • Lupetti, M. L., Yao, Y., Mi, H., Germak, C.: Design for Children's Playful Learning with Robots. Future Internet, Vol. 9, No.3.  

  • Ishii, K., Mi, H., Ma, L., Laokulrat, N., Inami, M., Igarashi, T.: Pebbles: Tangible Devices for Designing Robot Navigation Routes. Computer Software, Vol. 30, No.3. (in Japanese) 

  • Fujita, T., Mi, H., Sugimoto, M.: A Novel Technique for Robot Programming on Tabletop Environments, Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol. 53, No. 3. 

  • Mi, H., Krzywinski, A., Fujita, T., Sugimoto, M.: RoboTable: An Infrastructure for Intuitive Interaction with Mobile Robots in a Mixed Reality Environment, Journal of Advances in Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 2012, ID 301608, 10 pages, 2012.

Conference Papers

  • Zhihao Yao, Beituo Liu, and Haipeng Mi. Design and Conversion of Ink Brushstrokes in Three-dimensional Space. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Art Papers (SA '24). Article 25, 1–6.

  • Zhihao Yao, Yao Lu, Qirui Sun, Shiqing Lyu, Hanxuan Li, Xing-Dong Yang, Xuezhu Wang, Guanhong Liu, and Haipeng Mi. Lumina: A Software Tool for Fostering Creativity in Designing Chinese Shadow Puppets. In Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '24).  Article 74, 1–15.

  • Peizhong Gao, Fan Liu, Di Wen, Yuze Gao, Linxin Zhang, Chikelei Wang, Qiwei Zhang, Yu Zhang, Shao-en Ma, Qi Lu, Haipeng Mi, and Yingqing Xu. Mul-O: Encouraging Olfactory Innovation in Various Scenarios Through a Task-Oriented Development Platform. In Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '24). Article 100, 1–17. 

  • Yuan-Ling Feng, Zhaoguo Wang, Yuan Yao, Hanxuan Li, Yuting Diao, Yu Peng, and Haipeng Mi. Co-designing the Collaborative Digital Musical Instruments for Group Music Therapy. In Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '24). Article 698, pp. 1-18. 2024.

  • Zhihao Yao, Qirui Sun, Beituo Liu, Yao Lu, Guanhong Liu, Xing-Dong Yang, and Haipeng Mi. InkBrush: A Sketching Tool for 3D Ink Painting.  In Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '24). Article 158, pp. 1-15. 2024.

  • Yu, T., Niu, M., Mi, H. and Lu, Q.: MilliWare: Parametric Modeling and Simulation of Millifluidic Shape-changing Interface. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium of Chinese CHI (CHCHI '23). pp. 461–467. 2023.

  • Yao, Z., Lu, Y., Guo, Y., Sun, Q., Gao, M. and Mi, H.: Taotie: Designing a Museum Robot utilizing Cultural Metaphors. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium of Chinese CHI (CHCHI '23). pp. 241–250. 2023.

  • Guo, Y., Hu, H., Zhai, Z., Lu, Y., Wang, X., Feng, YL., Yao, Z., Huang, Z., Yao, Y. and Mi. H.: Designing Future In-Vehicle Assistants: Insights from User Imaginations and Experiences. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium of Chinese CHI (CHCHI '23). pp. 508–520. 2023.

  • Li, H., Peng. Y., Yao, Z., Sun, Q., Lu, Y. and Mi. H.: Robotic Xiàngshēng Theater: Designing Audio-Animatronics with Cartoon-Style Facial Expression for Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium of Chinese CHI (CHCHI '23). pp. 331–343. 2023.

  • Lu, Q., Yu, T., Yi, S., Ding, Y., Mi, H. and Yao, L.: Sustainflatable: Harvesting, Storing and Utilizing Ambient Energy for Pneumatic Morphing Interface. In Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '23). Article 32, pp. 1-20. 2023.

  • Yu, T., Xu, H., Liu, G. Liu, C., Wang, G. and Mi, H.: Thermotion: Design and Fabrication of Thermofluidic Composites for Animation Effects on Object Surfaces. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '23)Article 425, pp.1-19. 2023.

  • Liu, G., Ding, X., Cai, J., Wang, W., Wang, X., Diao, Y., Chen, J., Yu, T., Xu, H. and Mi, H.: Digital Making for Inheritance and Enlivening Intangible Cultural Heritage: A Case of Hairy Monkey Handicrafts. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '23). Article 635, pp.1-17. 2023.

  • Yao, Y., Huang, L., He, Y., Ma, Z., Xu, X. and Mi, H.: Reviewing and Reflecting on Smart Home Research from the Human-Centered Perspective. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '23)Article 143, pp.1-21. 2023

  • Yan, Z., Lin, Y., Wang, G., Cai, Y., Cao, P., Mi, H. and Zhang, Y.: LaserShoes: Low-Cost Ground Surface Detection Using Laser Speckle Imaging. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '23)Article 853, pp.1-20. 2023

  • Sun, W., Chen, Y., Chen, Y., Zhang, X., Zhan, S., Li, Y., Wu, J., Han, T., Mi, H., Wang, J., Tian F., Yang, X.D.: MicroFluID: A Multi-Chip RFID Tag for Interaction Sensing Based on Microfluidic Switches. In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies. Vol. 6, Issue 3. pp. 1-23, 2022.

  • Yan, Z., Zhou, J., Wu, Y., Liu, G., Luo, D., Zhou, Z., Mi, H., Sun, L., Chen, X., Tao, Y., Zhang, Y., Wang, G.: Shoes++ A Smart Detachable Sole for Social Foot-to-foot Interaction. In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies. Vol. 6, Issue 2. pp. 1-29, 2022.

  • Yao, Y., Cai, J., Du, K., Hou, Y. & Mi, H. (2022, May). Establishing Design Consensus toward Next-Generation Retail: Data-Enabled Design Exploration and Participatory Analysis. In Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-22).

  • Liu, G., Xu, H., Ding, X., Gao, M., Li, B., Ruan, F. & Mi, H. (2022, May). ” It Puts Life into My Creations”: Understanding Fluid Fiber as a Media for Expressive Display. In Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-15).

  • Sun, Q., Li, S., Yao, Z., Feng, Y. L., & Mi, H. (2021, May). PalmBeat: A Kinesthetic Way to Feel Groove With Music. In proceedings of 12th Augmented Human International Conference (pp. 1-8).

  • Liu, G., Yu, T., Yu, C., Xu, H., Xu, S., Yang, C., ... & Shi, Y. (2021, May). Tactile Compass: Enabling Visually Impaired People to Follow a Path with Continuous Directional Feedback. In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-13).

  • Yohal, W., Peng, Y. & Mi, H. (2020, Nov.). Swarm Robots in Education: A Review of Challenges and Opportunities. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction 2020. (pp. 272-274).

  • Lu, Q., Liang, W., Wu, H., Wong, H., Mi, H., Xu, YQ.: Exploring Potential Scenarios and Design Implications Through a Camera-like Physical Odor Capture Prototype. In Proc. of ACM DIS 2020. July 2020.

  • Liu, G., Gu, Y., Yin, Y., Yu, C., Wang Y., Mi, H., Shi, Y.: Keep the Phone in Your Pocket: Enabling Smartphone Operation with an IMU Ring for Visually Impaired People. In Proc. of ACM IMWUT 2020

  • Lu, Q., Liu, Y., Mi, H.: MotionFlow: Time-axis-based Multiple Robots Expressive Motion Programming. In Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering. May 2020.

  • Lu, Q., Ou, J., Wilbert, J., Haben, A., Mi, H., Ishii, H.: milliMorph--Fluid-Driven Thin Film Shape-Change Materials for Interaction Design. In Proc. of ACM UIST 2019.  October 2019.

  • Wang, N., Li, J., Shi, Q., Shi, D., Mi, H.: Encourage Self-exploration Through an Interactive Chinese Scroll Painting Design. In Proc. of HCII 2019. July 2019.

  • Yao Y., Wang, C., He, M., Yan, C., Elder, R., Zhao, C., Mi, H.: “Big Screen Is Watching Me?”: A Study on the Attractiveness and Reading Efficiency of a Rotating Screen. In Proc. of HCII 2019. July 2019.

  • Li J., Hu, T., Zhang, S., Mi, H.: Designing a musical robot for Chinese bamboo flute performance. In Proc. of Chinese CHI 2019. June 2019.

  • Lu, Q., Ma, S., Li, J., Mi, H. Xu, YQ.: IRelics: Designing a Tangible Interaction Platform for the Popularization of Field Archaeology. In Proc. of TEI 2019. March 2019.

  • Shidujaman, M., Zhang, S., Elder, R., Mi, H.: "RoboQuin" A Mannequin Robot with Natural Humanoid Movements. In Proc. of IEEE Ro-Man 2018, Nanjing, China, August 2018.

  • Shidujaman, M., Samani, H., Raayatpanah, M. A., Mi, H.: Towards Deploying the Wireless Charging Robots in Smart Environments. In Proc. of IEEE ICSSE 2018, Taipei, Taiwan, August 2018.

  • Lupetti, M. L., Norese, M. F., Wu, X., Mi, H.: A Video-Based Assessment of Likeability and Usability in a Play Application of Robots for Children. In Proc. of IFKAD 2018, Delft, The Netherland, July 2018.

  • Shidujaman, M., Mi, H.: "Which Country Are You From?" A Cross-Cultural Study on Greeting Interaction Design for Social Robots. In Rau PL. (eds) Cross-Cultural Design. Methods, Tools, and Users. CCD 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10911. Springer, Cham.

  • Wang, M., Lei, K., Li, Z., Mi, H., Xu, YQ.: TwistBlocks: Pluggable and Twistable Modular TUI for Armature Interaction in 3D Design. In Proc. of TEI 2018. March 2018.

  • Lupetti, M. L., Yao, Y., Gao, J., Mi, H., Germak, C.: Designing Child-Robot Play in China. The SHYBO Case Study. In Proc. of IEEE Ro-Man 2017, Lisbon, Portugal, August 2017.

  • Wang, M., Mi, H., Liu, Y., Xu, Y.: PolyHInge: Shape Changing TUI on Tabletop. In Proc. of IHCI 2017. Lisbon, Portugal, July 2017.

  • Lupetti, M.L., Yao, Y., Gao, J., Mi, H.: A Scenario-Driven Design Method for Chinese Children Edutainment. In Proc. of Chinese CHI 2017. Guangzhou, China. June 2017.

  • Lupetti, M.L., Yao, Y., Gao, J., Mi, H., Germak, C.: Design for Learning Through Play. An Exploratory Study on Chinese Perspective. In: Rau PL. (eds) Cross-Cultural Design. CCD 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10281. Springer, Cham

  • Lu, Q., Wang, L., Mao, C. and Mi, H.: LIME: LIquid MEtal Interface for Non-Rigid Interaction. In Proceedings of  ACM UIST 2016, Tokyo, Japan, October 2016. 

  • Ishii, K., Mi, H., Ma, L., Laokulrat, N., Inami, M., Igarashi, T.: Pebbles: User-Configurable Device Network for Robot Navigation. The 14th IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, September 2013. 

  • Mi, H., Kawaguchi, Y.: JECCO: A Robotic Sculpture -- From Design to Exhibition. In Proceedings of ASIAGRAPH 2013, Hilo, Hawaii, September 2013. 

  • Mi, H., Kawaguchi, Y.: JECCO: A Creature-Like Tentacle Robot. In Proceedings of ACE 2012, Kathmandu, Nepal, November 2012.

  • Sugimoto, M., Fujita, T., Mi, H., Krzywinski, A.; RoboTable2: A Novel Programming Environment using Physical Robots on a Tabletop Platform, In Proceedings of ACE 2011, Lisbon, Portugal, November 2011.

  • Mi, H., Sugimoto, M.: HATs: Interact using Height-Adjustable Tangibles in Tabletop Interfaces, In Proceedings of ACM ITS 2011, Kobe, Japan, November, 2011.

  • Sangsuriyachot, N., Mi, H., Sugimoto, M.:Novel Interaction Techniques by Combining Hand and Foot Gestures on Tabletop Environments, In Proceedings of ACM ITS 2011, Kobe, Japan, November, 2011.

  • Krzywinski, A., Mi, H., Chen, W., Sugimoto, M.: Playing with Robots: A Tabletop Framework for Robot and Human Game Playing, In Proceedings of GET 2010, Freiburg, Germany, 2010. 

  • Krzywinski, A., Mi, H., Chen, W., Sugimoto, M.: RoboTable: A Tabletop Framework for Tangible Interaction with Robots in a Mixed Reality, In Proceedings of ACM ACE 2009, Athens, Greece, pp. 107-114.


  • Tianyu Yu, Yang Liu, Yujia Liu, Qiuyu Lu, Teng Han, and Haipeng Mi. FlexEOP: Flexible Shape-changing Actuator using Embedded Electroosmotic Pumps. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST Adjunct '24). Article 15, 1–5.

  • Cheng Xue, Yijie Guo, Ziyi Wang, Mona Shimizu, Jihong Jeung, and Haipeng Mi. DishAgent: Enhancing Dining Experiences through LLM-Based Smart Dishes. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST Adjunct '24). Article 46, 1–4. 

  • Qiuyu Lu, Jiawei Fang, Zhihao Yao, Yue Yang, Shiqing Lyu, Haipeng Mi, and Lining Yao. Large Language Model Agents Enabled Generative Design of Fluidic Computation Interfaces. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST Adjunct '24).  Article 76, 1–3.

  • Yue Zhu, Zhiyuan Zhou, Jinlin Miao, Haipeng Mi, and Yijie Guo. TangibleNegotiation: Probing Design Opportunities for Integration of Generative AI and Swarm Robotics for Imagination Cultivation in Child Art Education. In Companion of the 2024 on ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp '24).  66–70. 

  • Yao, Z., Lyu, S., Lu, Y., Sun, Q., Li, H., Wang, X., Liu, G. and Mi, H.: ShadowMaker: Sketch-Based Creation Tool for Digital Shadow Puppetry. In Extended Abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '24). Article 417, pp. 1-5, 2024.

  • Feng, YL., Gao, M., Li, CH., Yao, Z. and Mi, H.: ExBreath: Explore the Expressive Breath System as Nonverbal Signs towards Semi-unintentional Expression. In Extended Abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '24). Article 134, pp. 1-7, 2024.

  • Yu, T., Fan, Y., Zhang, Z., Hu, Q., Xu, W. and Mi, H.: Thermaterial: Program Ambient Heat Transfer Behaviors on Objects through Fluidic Composites. In Extended Abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '24). Article 323, pp. 1-8, 2024.

  • Sun, Q., Luo, Q., Ni, Y. and Mi, H.: Text2AC: A Framework for Game-Ready 2D Agent Character(AC) Generation from Natural Language. In Extended Abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '24). Article 312, pp. 1-7, 2024.

  • Guo, Y., Wang, R., Feng, YL., Lu, Y., Wang, X., Tanaka, F. and Mi, H.: ROMEO: Towards the Design of Robot with Haptic Mediation for Remote Conflict. In Extended Abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '24). Article 276, pp. 1-7, 2024.

  • Zhang, N., Chi, Z., Xu, Z., Chen, Q., Campo, V., Guo, Y. and Mi, H.: ORBO: The Emotionally Intelligent Anthropomorphic Robot Enhancing Smartphone Interaction. In Companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '24). pp. 1178-1182. 2024.

  • Lu, Y., Wang, X., Xiong, R., Cui, X., Guo, Y. ang Mi. H.: Exploring Foot-Interactive Robotics: A Study on Gobot's Role in Enhancing Daily Walking Experience through Emotion-Infused Design. In Companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '24). pp. 707-711. 2024.

  • Yao, Z., Sun, Q., Liu, B., Lu, Y., Liu, G. and Mi, H.: InkBrush: A Flexible and Controllable Authoring Tool for 3D Ink Painting. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '23 Adjunct). Article 74. pp. 1-3. 2023.

  • Guo, Y., Huang, Z., Wang, R., Li, CH., Wu, R., Sun, Q., Yao, Z., Mi, H. and Peng, Y.: Sparkybot:An Embodied AI Agent-Powered Robot with Customizable Characters andInteraction Behavior for Children. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '23 Adjunct). Article 90. pp. 1-3. 2023.

  • Lu, Q., Yi, S., Yu, T., Ding, Y., Mi, H. and Yao, L.: Demonstrating Sustainflatable: Harvesting, Storing and Utilizing Ambient Energy for Pneumatic Morphing Interfaces.  In Adjunct Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '23 Adjunct). Article 87. pp. 1-6. 2023.

  • Yu, T., Xu, W., Xu, H., Liu, G., Liu, C., Wang, G. and Mi, H.: Demonstrating Thermotion: Design and Fabrication of Thermofluidic Composites for Animation Effects on Object Surfaces. In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '23). Article 439, pp. 1-5, 2023.

  • Zhao, Z., Chen, Y., Hu, Q., Ma, S., Li, H., Guo, Y. and Mi, H.: Buzzo or Eureka -- Robot that Makes Remote Participants Feel More Presence in Hybrid Discussions. In Companion of the 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '23). pp. 323-327. 2023.

  • Yao, Z., Gao, M., Li, S. and Mi, H.: Taotie: Design and Implementation of a Bronze-Relic Inspired Sentimental Robot. ICRA 2021 workshop

  • Mi, H., Kawaguchi, Y.: JECCO: A Creature-Like Tentacle Robot. ACE 2012, Demonstration, Kathmandu, Nepal, November 2012. 

  • Mi, H., Ishii, K., Ma, L., Laokulrat, N., Inami, M., Igarashi, T.: Pebbles: An Interactive Configuration Tool for Indoor Robot Navigation, UIST 2012, Demonstration, Cambridge, MA, USA, October, 2012.

  • Mi, H., Sugimoto, M.: Creating a Tabletop Learning Environment Using Physical Robots, ICCE 2012, Workshop on Tabletops for Learning? Opportunities and Challenges, Singapore, 2012. 

  • Mi, H., Sugimoto, M.: Design, Implementations and Applications of Bidirectional Tangible Interfaces in a Tabletop Computing Platform, UbiComp 2011, Workshop on the Role of Design in UbiComp Research and Practice, Beijing, China, September 2011. 

  • Mi, H., Krzywinski, A., Sugimoto, M., Chen, W.: RoboStory: A Tabletop Mixed Reality Framework for Children's Role Play Storytelling. First International Workshop on Interactive Storytelling for Children, Barcelona, Spain, June 12th, 2010.

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