A Software Tool for Fostering Creativity in Designing Chinese Shadow Puppet
Shadow puppetry, a culturally rich storytelling art, faces challenges transitioning to the digital realm. Creators in the early design phase struggle with crafting intricate patterns, textures, and basic animations while adhering to stylistic conventions - hindering creativity, especially for novices. This paper presents Lumina, a tool to facilitate the early Chinese shadow puppet design stage. Lumina provides contour templates, animations, scene editing tools, and machine-generated traditional puppet patterns. These features liberate creators from tedious tasks, allowing focus on the creative process. Developed based on a formative study with puppet creators, the web-based Lumina enables wide dissemination. An evaluation with 18 participants demonstrated Lumina's effectiveness and ease of use, with participants successfully creating designs spanning traditional themes to contemporary and science-fiction concepts.
Zhihao Yao, Shiqing Lyu, Yao Lu, Qirui Sun, Hanxuan Li, Xuezhu Wang, Guanhong Liu, and Haipeng Mi. 2024. ShadowMaker: Sketch-Based Creation Tool for Digital Shadow Puppetry. In Extended Abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 417, 1–5.
Zhihao Yao, Shiqing Lyu, Yao Lu, Qirui Sun, Hanxuan Li, Xuezhu Wang, Guanhong Liu, and Haipeng Mi. 2024.Lumina: A Software Tool for Fostering Creativity in Designing Chinese Shadow Puppet. The 37th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '24), October 13--16, 2024, Pittsburgh, PA, USA